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The Age of Chat Apps

I was born during the 1980s which qualifies me as a millennial. This means my generation was the one that first received computers in the classroom, then in the home, then cell phones in high school. We watched the tech industry explode, and to be honest, we take instant and global communication for granted. It is expected, it is no longer a break through. 

I love technology, I work in tech, and I was raised on tech. However, I have yet to get into chat apps. That is about to change now, and I am going to explain to you why. 

Are They That Great?

My theory on chat apps was that they were more so for people born in the mid 90s, those who did not see the rise of tech, but instead were born right into it. They took to chat apps like no other. It was for the youth, I thought, something that I was rapidly growing away from. I was coming to age, and that was the deciding factor. 

I was wrong.

No generation is limited to their technology, that is why I was wrong. That is outdated thinking. The beauty of this rapid, explosive burst in technology is that we are constantly challenged. We are constantly changing to keep up. We are learning, we are growing, and this level communication can make the world better.


Over the years advertising has shifted positions from talking at their audience to talking with their audience. Chat apps will solidify that concept. 

Sir Paul McCartney

Line, a Japanese chat app, became a prime example when Paul McCartney joined to help promote his collaboration with Kanye West. He utilized both public posts and private chats to reach his fans. 

Notable Mentions

While many apps are still difficult for brands to chat on, here are a few that are more welcoming. 

Tips for Marketers

  • Think outside of direct messaging with tactics such as:
    • Utlizing the app's search features
    • Using games and contests to unlock prizes
    • Uses features to interact, create content, and tell stories
  • Stay visual, especially with platforms such as Snapchat
  • Provide exclusive, chat only deals


Even if you are not in the industry, you may still benefit from chat apps. An interesting example of this happens right here at Blue Archer. We use Skype to keep in touch with each other in the office. 

Why not just walk over to the desk?

  • Skype is as quick as talking, but you do not need to interrupt someone. They can check their Skype messages as they wish. 
  • You can send files over Skype.
  • It saves your conversation for easy reference. 

Think of it as clocking in. Some of our employees work from home multiple days of the week. Sometimes Pittsburgh has big blizzards and makes us all work from home. Skype shows that we are all signed in and available if we need to be reached by another employee. 

The Rise of Chat Apps

Whether we use them or not, chat apps are becoming extremely popular. Make the most of it and get chatting. 

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