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Chrome’s New Web Design from a UX Perspective

Chrome’s New Web Design from a UX Perspective

Google Chrome has recently celebrated its 10th anniversary which means a redesign! Google is always adding improvements to their site, but this time we can see big changes.   

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Web Design: Persuasive Design and Triggers to Increase Conversions

Web Design: Persuasive Design and Triggers to Increase Conversions

Improving your basic design elements for the modern web can boost sales and site performance. By adding persuasive design, you can enhance conversion rates by implementing click triggers and point-click. This design technique will especially benefit your e-commerce sites. 

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Designing for Modern Web

Designing for Modern Web

We often see websites that still haven’t caught on to the bandwagon of being up-to-date in the design industry. Besides SEO rankings or color schemes, there are a few important aspects that newer websites have that older sites need to get. Let’s look at the top 5 things your website needs in 2018.

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Web Font Licensing Explained

In the blog post, Web Font Licensing Explained, we dive into the basic questions surrounding web fonts vs desktop fonts, self hosted and hosted font licenses, and more. 

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Website Redesign: The 3 phases You Need to Complete to be Successful

Website Redesign: The 3 phases You Need to Complete to be Successful

In any marketing sector of a business, the awkward topic of redesigning your site may pop up in conversation. The worries entail deciding whether it’s time for a redesign or if your business needs one at all. Maybe you’re not getting enough leads, maybe it’s outdated and doesn’t match your branding, or maybe it’s generating leads, but not the right leads and not quickly enough. Let’s start with a checklist. 

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